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Did you know that the regulations for Infectious and Regulated Medical Waste vary from state to state?


It's true. This also means that managing your medical waste can be a complex task, especially when it comes to incineration.


But don't worry–that's where Choice MedWaste comes in.​

How We Can Help

Understanding State-Specific Requirements

We always stay up-to-date with changes in both laws and guidelines to ensure that your facility remains compliant at all times. With us, you can rest assured knowing that your healthcare waste disposal is being handled per the highest industry standards.

Image by Daniel Gimbel

Incinerating All Transported Waste

Currently, our team incinerates all debris we transport. Any pharmaceutical, chemotherapy, and even pathological waste will be sent to a medical waste incinerator while the bulk of regulated biohazard trash (sharps and red bag material) will be first treated via autoclave and then sent to an incinerator. This allows all our clients the benefit of being zero landfill. 

Handling Broad Spectrum of Waste Types

We also can send any of these streams to an incinerator facility that our clients or the regulations require. This includes product destruction for government agencies, pharmaceutical manufacturers, or any other industries that have expired or unused items that they want destroyed via incineration.

What You Will Get From Our Incineration Waste Services

Why Choose Choice MedWaste

We believe in building long-term relationships with our clients. Whether your facility is located in Sussex County, Montgomery County, Lancaster County, or any other region we service–we treat you as a valued member of our team.

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